samedi 1 novembre 2008


Littéralement, le mot triskell signifie «trois sources».

Inscrite dans un cercle et pivotant sur un centre, cette figure rassemble deux autres symboles forts de la culture celte: la source, symbole de l'origine et de la maternité comme de la pureté, manifestation d'une divinité qui a la propriété de guérir les blessés, et le chiffre trois, nombre fondamental universel, qui ordonne les rites, les croyances et les légendes celtes.

Il a pour moi, une autre signification : Ce qu'il y a de plus grand dans le plus petit espace : La Triple Grande Déesse Blanche que l'on ressent au plus profond de son être et qui habite jusqu'à la plus petite pierre du chemin.


Literally, the triskell word means " three sources ".

Inscribed in a circle and revolving on a center, this figure collects two other strong symbols of the Celtic culture: the spring, the symbol of the origin and the maternity as the purity, the demonstration of a divinity which has the property to cure the injured persons, and the number three, the universal fundamental number, which orders the rites, the faiths and the Celtic legends.

It has for me, another meaning : it is the biggest thing in the smallest space : the Triple Great White Goddess whom we feel in the depths of her being and who fills the smallest stone of the lane.


Literalmente, la palabra triskell significa " tres fuentes ".

Inscrita en un círculo y que pivota un centro, esta figura reúne dos otros símbolos fuertes de la cultura celta: la fuente, el símbolo del origen y de la maternidad como de la pureza, la manifestación de una divinidad que tiene la propiedad de curar a los heridos, y la cifra tres, el número fundamental universal, que ordena los ritos, las creencias y las leyendas celtas.

Tiene para mí, otro significado : lo que hay de más grande en el espacio el más pequeño: la Gran Triple Blanca Diosa a la que se siente en lo más hondo de su ser y que vive en hasta la piedra más pequeña del camino.

12 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

no puedo escribir un francés tan bueno como tu castellano, lo siento.
Gracias por tu visita.
Me encanta este símbolo.

Lilian a dit…

I had never seen this symbol; it's the first time. It's beautiful as many other celtic symbols and celtic music... Would you be so kind to translate for me {to Spanish or English], the last sentence of your post? I could not understand it.
Un abrazo

krn a dit…

I'll translate it all.
In English... y en Castellano, si usted me promete señalarme las faltas :-)

Lilian a dit…

Thanks a lot for translating and you even translated into Spanish too!

The small godess that inhabits inside us and every living thing. I never heard of this concept, although, I believe in energy inhabiting everything. It sounds so poetic! I am very unaware of Celtic culture and myths, you seem to be very knowledgeable.

Peace ;)

Lilian a dit…

One more thing... you did a very good job with the Spanish and the English. There are only very minor things.

krn a dit…

Thank you Lilian, I am doing my best.

I'll try to write in three language, for all those who want to know celtic culture.

Lilian a dit…

To write in three languages is such a generous offer, KRN! Are you going to have time to do it? In any case, I love it :)
Warm Regards--

krn a dit…

je vais prendre ce temps, si ce sujet vous intéresse.
Les articles suivent les saisons, au bon moment de l'année, je ferai donc un rappel de ce que j'ai déjà écrit.

I am going to take this time, if this subject interests you.
Posts follows the seasons, at the right time of the year, I shall thus make a reminder of what I have already written.

Lilian a dit…

Merci KRN! Since I know very little about celtic culture, is a subject that interests me very much.

krn a dit…

The pleasure will be shared, Lilian.

I am already writting the next. It will be there in few days.

un beso

Anonyme a dit…

really an eye opener for me.

- Robson

krn a dit…

Let the great White Goddess be with you, Robson.